
Museum Rotterdam

Tales of the past, adventures of the present and ideas of the future: everybody who lives in or passes through the city plays a part in writing its history.

For Het verhaal van Hunted.Agency was responsible for curating, concept, design, production, campaign and marketing. Visit the exhibition at Wilhelminakade 701, Rotterdam

3D design

Creative directors:
Job Taks en Jeroen Ketting
Concept, production & design: Hunted.Agency Copy: Nina Swaep
Interactie design: Rnul interactive
Onderdeel van ‘Ook van jou!’
Opdrachtgever: Anouk Estourgie
Gemeente Rotterdam Tentoongestelde collectie: Archeologie Rotterdam (BOOR), Stadsarchief Rotterdam, Museum Rotterdam, Nederlands Fotomuseum, Bibliotheek Rotterdam, Monumenten Rotterdam, Gemeente Rotterdam en vele anderen.
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